Course Overview
Project ‘Periscope’ is a talent development initiative which involves various methodologies viz. training programs, coaching and mentoring by executive coach, experiential learning, psychometric tools, action planning and action learning projects. The participants are exposed to various talent assessment or development tools involving psychometric tools like Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey and Hogan Motives, Values and Preferences inventory as well as MBTI, 360 degree feedback, Kilmann Conflict Styles etc. Basis inputs from the variety of instruments as well as personal and career aspirations of the participants, participants receive customized inputs from executive coach and are mentored and guided for honing leadership skills. The HP Academy Project Periscope online course covers various learning material covered during the contact programs as well as additional reading material for easy reference by participants.
NOTE: This course is available only for Project Periscope Participants
Duration = 279 mins